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PTA.... Be part of it

Welcome to Strandtown from the PTA.
We are a friendly group of parents and teachers working together for the benefit of our children's education all the way from P4 to P7.
It's good for you
Joining the PTA is a fast way to get to know other parents and school staff, and to feel part of the school family. You may even discover some hidden talents!
We all have something to offer
The most important skills you can bring to your PTA are enthusiasm and a willingness to get stuck in. Whether you support the PTA by buying raffle tickets, baking a cake, or packing craft kits, or friendship gift packs, you're making a difference for your children, and helping to raise funds for school - helping to make Strandtown even better.
It won't take over your life (unless you want it to...!)
There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer for the PTA. Any time you can offer will be welcome - even an hour to help pack Christmas Craft kits, or prepare friendship gifts sets, or help to plan a Fun in Bubble or Wacky Hair days. The PTA is involved in a wide range of activities all with varying roles, so how much or how little you choose to get involved really is up to you.
Everyone's invited
As a member of the Strandtown family, you're invited to join the PTA. If you are willing to lend a helping hand, or want to find out more, please come along to the next meeting - dates will be posted on ClassDojo and on this website.
If you have any questions about becoming part of the PTA, please email strandtownpta@gmail.com.
We hope to see you soon.
Strandtown PTA
Strandtown become a charity register with the NI Charity Commission on 17 November 2015. Organisation name: Strandtown Primary School PTA, Northern Ireland Charity number: NIC104244
PTA Charity Information
Strandtown Primary School PTA became a Charity registered with the NI Charity Commission on Tuesday 17th November 2015:
Organisation name: Strandtown Primary School PTA
Northern Ireland Charity number: NIC104244
Email address: strandtownpta@gmail.com
Also, here is an easy link to our easyfundraising page: www.easyfundraising.org.uk/strandtownpta
Strandtown Primary School
North Rd,
County Antrim,
Tel: 028 9067 4500