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Strandtown Primary School North Rd, Belfast
Teacher Lead After School Activities Please refer to communications sent via ClassDojo which are relevant to your child's clubs
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Letter from Mrs Hutchinson

11th Oct 2017

Dear Parent

In the last fortnight the PTA and Parent Focus Group have discussed at length the implications of the school budget cuts on Strandtown. I am enormously encouraged by the incredible willingness of parents to support the school during this difficult financial climate. Thank you to parents who have given generously both their time and voluntary donations into the school fund.

Strandtown has had to make staffing reductions and has inadequate funds to meet essential operating costs with over £60k being cut from our budget. I would ask you to look out for future correspondence on this budget crisis as we hope to communicate in more depth practical ways to assist.

Please ensure you have subscribed to the school app to receive notifications of parent mail.

Thank you again for all your help, support and encouragement.


Mrs Hutchinson