Access Keys:

Strandtown Primary School North Rd, Belfast

Day 2!

10th May 2016

Another early start and a very busy day. From canal cruise to the Van Gogh museum followed by Anne Frank's museum! A late dinner and then for more fun! 

Canal cruising!
Canal cruising!
The boys!
The boys!
Floating Chinese restaurant in the background!
Floating Chinese restaurant in the background!
Spot the houseboats!
Spot the houseboats!
Passing the opera house!
Passing the opera house!
7 bridges all in a row!
7 bridges all in a row!
Anne Frank's in the background!
Anne Frank's in the background!
Central station and the boys!!
Central station and the boys!!
Some of us at the Van Gogh museum!
Some of us at the Van Gogh museum!
I AMsterdam!!
I AMsterdam!!
Group photo!
Group photo!
Ice cream!
Ice cream!
More ice cream!
More ice cream!
All smiles!
All smiles!
Our evening activity!
Our evening activity!
Mini golfing!
Mini golfing!
CRAZY golf!!!
CRAZY golf!!!
Lots of fun!
Lots of fun!
Lost the golf ball?! (Not the only ones!!!!!)
Lost the golf ball?! (Not the only ones!!!!!)
Hole in one?
Hole in one?
A sweet treat!!
A sweet treat!!
Ice lollies!!
Ice lollies!!
Late night treat!
Late night treat!
One group before visiting Anne Frank house!
One group before visiting Anne Frank house!
Second group after visiting Anne Frank house!!
Second group after visiting Anne Frank house!!