Access Keys:

Strandtown Primary School North Rd, Belfast

Ahoy Shipmates!

27th Sep 2016

Room 32 kindly received an invitation to tour the newly refurbished HMS Caroline, a World War 1 scouting boat.  Pupils were able to tour the ship, completing an educational trail, and find out more about Navy life.

Which way is the bow?  What about the stern?
Which way is the bow? What about the stern?
In the ship's mess.
In the ship's mess.
How much sugar are you weighing?
How much sugar are you weighing?
Ready to meet some VIPs!
Ready to meet some VIPs!
Ahoy Captain!
Ahoy Captain!
This hammock is so comfortable!
This hammock is so comfortable!
Learning about Navy life.
Learning about Navy life.
Supporting the War in the Mill.
Supporting the War in the Mill.
All aboard!
All aboard!
I'm not sure we meet the height restriction to join the Navy...back to school then!
I'm not sure we meet the height restriction to join the Navy...back to school then!