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Extra Curricular Activities 2022-23
Outside Agencies
There are a number of clubs that run in Strandtown that are provided by outside agencies. The majority of these clubs are advertised by flyers being sent home in school bags. The current clubs currently running are as follows:
- Judo Club (Scott 07812 898 665) www.simplyjudo.com
- Miniversity email: study@miniversity.com; please book places online at www.miniversity.com
- Irish Dancing (Claire 07834205173) irishdance@hotmail.co.uk
- Danny Allen Football (Danny Allen 07926 009 764) dasoccerschool@gmail.com
- Galaxy Coaching (Main office 02890 605 605) info@galaxycoaching.co.uk
- Ready For Anything (Natalie Whelehan 07786030782) Natalie@ready4anything.org
- Jumping Clay (Rebecca Leeson 07919 371 505) Rebekah.leeson@jumpingclay.co.uk
- Brickz4Kidz (Main office 02895 088 818) www.bricks4Kidz.co.uk/belfast
- Belfast Kayak Academy (Dylan 07907 589 299)
- Youth Lyric (07710618289)
- Music Theory (Olive Thomson 07745 017 039)
- Table Tennis (Gervis Knox 07791 730 401) www.ormeautabletennis.com/strandtown
- Skill School NI (07703100268) info@skillschoolni.com
- TW Sports (Tim Waring 07740120788) tim@twsports.org
Ellie@juniordragons.co.uk, tel: 07870 622 471, www.juniordragons.co.uk
If you require any further information on Extra Curricular Activities please contact the school office.
Strandtown Primary School
North Rd,
County Antrim,
Tel: 028 9067 4500